Julianna Margaret Worden September 29, 2011 |
My daughter, Jessica, gave me my first grandchild last week. Little...or maybe not so little, since she weighed in a 8 lbs. 4 oz., Julianna Margaret. When Jessica asked me to be with her during her labor and delivery, I was honored, and excited to photograph the arrival. Jessica opted to have a natural childbirth at a birthing center (vs. a hospital). Her labor was long, 48 hours, with 24 of those being hard labor. 2 hours of pushing, no meds, lots of pain, lots of blood loss.
I was unprepared for just how difficult it would be for me to see my child in so much pain, or the worry I would experience for her safety and the safety of my granddaughter. Towards the end of her labor, when she was in extreme pain, I often stepped out into the hallway to cry in the arms of my husband. And, when she was pushing I asked my husband to be prepared to call 911 at any moment. I held Jessica's hand, I wiped her brow with a cool cloth, I offered words of love and encouragment...but that couldn't take away her pain. Thankfully, through her exhaustion, my amazing daughter found the strength to push for two hours and bring her beautiful little girl into the world. However, since my focus was on the safety of my daughter and granddaughter, my photography suffered. So...these photos are far from my best...but they tell Julianna's birth story.
Tuesday evening - at this point Jessica had been in mild labor for about 12 hours. The contractions were inconsistent...some strong, some mild. Jessica and her husband Jesse, came to my house to spend the night since we were anticipating things to heat up anytime. |
Wednesday morning - Jessica had been up most of the night with contractions. But they were still inconsistent. About 5 am Wednesday morning the contraction were 5 minutes apart and by 7 am they were 4 minutes apart and lasting about 50 seconds. We called the midwife out to check on her, but when she arrived, the contractions stopped for about an hour. |
To get things moving again, Eric, Jesse and I walked with Jessica around the neighborhood. Stopping when she'd have a contraction. Now the contractions were about 7 minutes apart and pretty strong, but still inconsistent. |
Jessica stops to breath through a contraction. |
Since Jessica's contractions were still inconsistent, we tried having her drink some red raspberry leaf tea. I don't if that was what did it or not, but within an hour her contractions were 4 minutes apart, 50 seconds long, and painful. Jessica called the birth center to let them know we were on our way as Jesse looks on. |
Alma Birth Center. |
Jessica and Jesse decided on a water birth. Feeling it was the most soothing way to bring a baby into the world. Jessica found the warm water helpful for her back labor. This photo was taken just after we arrived at the birth center. Jessica was so sweet trying to smile between contractions, but she was in quite a bit of pain at this point. |
Jessica labored all through the night. Her back labor became much worse. Jesse would rub her back right after the contractions, which seemed to help. |
As her labor became more intense, Jesse left the tub so Jessica could switch positions as often as she needed. Her pain was so intense she could no longer tolerate the back rubs, but was comforted by a hand on her shoulder or a cold cloth to her forehead. This is the time I stopped taking photos. It was brutal seeing the pain she was in and I wanted to do nothing more than encourage her, tell her I love her, press a cold cloth to her head and pray. |
After 2 long hours of pushing, little Julianna finally was born. Jessica had been awake and in labor for 48 hours. She tore and bled extensively. In the sweetest voice, when Julianna was handed to her, Jessica said, "Oh, Julianna, you tried to kill Mommy." The laugh this gave us was all it took for the tears of relief to come flooding to all of us. |
Jessica cradles and snuggles with Julianna. I had the honor of cutting Julianna's cord. |
After a little time with Mom, the midwife hands off Julianna to Jesse. |
Jesse was amazing through the whole process. He encouraged Jessica and was there for her every step of the way. Here he gets to hold his little girl for the first time. |
Julianna Margaret Worden. Born September 29, 2011 at 5:56 am. Weighing 8 lbs. 4 oz. and 20 inches long. |
Jessica, Jesse and Julianna came to stay at my home after the birth so I could help care for Jessica while she healed and so that we could support the new family during those first few days. I took a few photos of our little miss her second day home. I'll try taking a few more when she's a little bit older. |
Sweet little girl...cute little cheeks. |
Welcome to the world, Julianna! |